Kdb+ MQTT Serial Publisher
My Arduino Environmental Monitoring system publishes it’s sensor readings to Home Assistant MQTT Sensors using python.
Last week a new MQTT interface for kdb+ was released. I decided to replicate my python publisher in q.
Install and setup
Setup was quick using the Github notes. My notes are for a 64bit x86 Linux install (on my Chromebox).
First grab the latest release of paho.mqtt.c:
wget https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c/releases/download/v1.3.2/Eclipse-Paho-MQTT-C-1.3.2-Linux.tar.gz
tar -xzf Eclipse-Paho-MQTT-C-1.3.2-Linux.tar.gz
Then make sure you have all needed environment variables in your .bashrc
export QHOME=/home/rian/q
export PATH="$PATH:/home/rian/q/l64"
export PAHO_HOME="/home/rian/Eclipse-Paho-MQTT-C-1.3.2-Linux"
Finally download the latest release of mqtt and install it:
wget https://github.com/KxSystems/mqtt/releases/download/1.0.0-rc/mqtt-linux-1.0.0-rc.tar.gz
tar -xzf mqtt-linux-1.0.0-rc.tar.gz
cd mqtt
chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
Publishing serial data to MQTT
Creating serToMQTT.q was very straight forward. The only setting change I made from the publish example was to not print from the msgsent
call-back by simply redefining the function to do nothing:
To read from the serial port no library is needed as kdb+ natively can read from named pipes:
rawdata:last read0 ser;
CRC16 checksum in q
I created needed operators which are not native to q
rs:{0b sv y xprev 0b vs x} /Right shift
ls:{0b sv neg[y] xprev 0b vs x} /Left shift
xor:{0b sv (<>/)vs[0b] each(x;y)} /XOR
land:{0b sv (.q.and). vs[0b] each(x;y)} /Logical AND
Creating crc16
was then a case of matching the logic of crc16_update and calcCRC. The over accumulator was used in place of for
{[x;y] $[(land[x;1])>0;xor[rs[x;1];40961];rs[x;1]]} over x,til 8
} over crc,`long$x